Thursday 16 May 2024

Race 34 of 60 @ 60: Caw

If somebody were to ask where they should go to experience the very best of fellrunning which race would come to mind? Jura, Borrowdale, The Three Peaks perhaps? Or Caw? Could this be the very best fell race in the calendar? I’d say so, having done each of those other three several times, as well as over 150 others. This was my 12th time running the race that has everything, or everything that matters in a fell race – the welcoming informality of the local races in Lancashire, the proper fell terrain of the best Lakes races and the variety of route choice that opens up the competition.

And back in mid-table, the competition for that V60 position Nick and I have fought over all season was hotly contested. Nick always sets off fast and so beat me to checkpoint one on The Knott. I caught up on the short descent just after but he broke away again on the steep climb and beat me to the top of Caw, this time with a decent gap. I closed him down and passed but Nick runs better on the less steep terrain so got ahead again before we return to The Knott. Last chance then – I have to get clear before we hit the tarmac so I give it my all to make up the ground. Holding on to the lead in to the finish nearly finished me off and I’m sure it had the same effect on Nick. We’re too old for all this. We both know it. Will we stop – not a chance! It’s thrilling.

Arriving at The Knott first time
Nick ahead - Photo from Petra 

Arriving at The Knott on the return
Nick already through - photo Libby

Results: 30th/64 V60: 4th/8 Time: 1:11:04
Distance: 9.3km Climb: 550m

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