Tuesday 14 May 2024

Race 33 of 60 @ 60 The Cake Race

I’m not quite sure why I chose this race ahead of Fairfield Horseshoe which was on the same day, but as it happened, it worked in well with a fantastic Ed Byrne gig in Darwen Library Theatre on the Friday night. After staying over, I had an easy Saturday morning motorway drive towards Oldham.

I honestly think I’d have found Fairfield easier. For me, it was too hot, too long and too runnable. That’s not to say it’s a bad race – it’s an excellent race with fantastic views over Marsden Moor but the hard track around the middle of the race was too much for me. I’d fallen over twice by then, clumsily, on easy paths so I suppose that shows a level of fatigue in the legs. Maybe I paid for going too hard on Coniston but anyway managed mid-table respectability with the result.

Results: 83rd/206 V60-69: 7th/17 Time: 1:40:16
Distance: 16km Climb: 518m

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