Saturday 25 May 2024

Race 35 of 60 @ 60: Blackstone Edge

Another of the best races in the calendar. It’s short, it’s tough and it traverses some really difficult terrain. Conditions on the night were horrendous – good for me – so I spent the whole time battling to close down the leading V60 in front of me. The legs wouldn’t pick up the pace as we  turned at the top so I made up fewer places than I had hoped on the descent. Still, a decent result despite the evident tiredness in the legs. After the race we are treated to a drink of orange squash in a washed up pot noodle pot, most of which date back to before Greta Thunberg was born.

Results: 28th/78 V60: 2nd/8 Time: 44:01
Distance: 5.6km Climb: 366m

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