Tuesday 2 January 2024

Giant's Tooth: Race 12 of 60@60

A bit of an unusual one this, as it's short, fast and mostly on well made paths with no technical bits. I know I've spent half my life running round reservoirs in the West Pennine Moors so I should know how it's done but I'm really not, and never have been, very quick. I can only assume that this is a problem common to most over 60's as I came away with a category win in much the same time as last year's V60 winner. As the course was mostly marked and marshalled, no navigational tools were included in the kit list although oddly, a telephone was required. 

Phil Clayton coming in to the finish

I'm going to need a bigger bag.

Results: 50th/82  V60: 1st/10  Time: 23:58
Distance 4.8km  Climb:120m

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