Sunday 7 January 2024

SOB: Race 13 of 60@60

I realise that I'm the outlier here but I find it hard to muster any enthusiasm for races like this, although they tick a lot of the right boxes. It's a lovely short course with steep climbs, technical trails, swooping downhill, even great weather this year and perhaps that's it - it's all a bit too perfect - a bit too instagrammable. Or maybe it's had the joy kit checked out of it. The furtive passing on of waterproof trousers at registration on a day when, if I was going for a run by myself, I wouldn't dream of taking full waterproofs seems all just a bit unecessary. 

The shortage of portaloos meant that when I arrived at the start I hadn't fully drained down and as the track was fenced both sides, there was nowhere discrete to sneak off to. Consequently, as we trotted back up through the yard after the start I decided to pay a call at the now fully available facilities. When I emerged I was all of 50m behind the last runner which had the undoubted benefit that I could only improve from there.

Me and Simon Franklin of CFR
I got him on the downhill!

After the race (which didn't go up Skiddaw)

Results: 138th/232  V60: 8th/19  Time: 59:01
Distance: 8km  Climb: 500m

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