Saturday, 30 December 2023

Wansfell: Race 10 of 60@60

The day after the trip to Rossendale this was never going to be easy and the conditions for the race made sure that it wasn't. Flooded roads, pay-by-phone parking nonsense in Ambleside and constant heavy rain made even getting to the event a bit of a test of stamina. Our family team of four made it to registration in time though, complete with full kit, the requirement for which was rigorously enforced at registration. I must say that I felt a bit sorry for anybody turning up without a map to run a course which could be fully described in one short sentence but hey, organiser's prerogative and I'm happy to comply.

I found the climb hard and soon lost sight of Luke and Tim, with Katie taking a cautious approach behind. The wind at the top was savage, the rain horizontal and a couple of the juniors in the race had fallen by the wayside and were being helped back down as I climbed past. I soon passed Tim but to be honest, didn't descend very well at all, slipping and sliding a few times on the way. I finished OK, behind Luke by a long way but with only superficial damage. The real winner was Katie who overtook Tim at the bottom of the fell descent and held him off on the run in to the finish.

Results: 70th/118  V60: 5th/13  Time: 33:13
Distance: 4km  Climb: 405m

Luke: 40th T: 28:14,  Katie: 95th T: 37:58, Tim Lages: 96th T: 38:07.

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