Saturday, 25 January 2014

Race 11: Blake's Heaven

A pattern seems to have emerged as I get in to this challenge which presents me with something of a paradox. The tougher the races I do, the harder it becomes to get in to the top half of the results; so if I get fitter and choose harder races, I will be less likely to achieve my target finish position. I say that here because today, I missed out.

Blake's Heaven follows a fantastic route over Blake Fell in West Cumbria which I imagine on a nice summer's day could be truly heavenly. Today wasn't a nice day and that is what made this a tough race. Nobody would turn out today if they were anything but a committed Fell Runner and on the lunatic fringe of the sport at that. The wind was incredible near the summit and to make things worse we were hit by a shower of hail which when driven into the skin produced a genuine burning sensation, real heat - hellish.

I was weak from the start and I struggled to keep running even across the fields early on but I dug in and managed to keep going until we arrived on the open fell where the path steepens. From there on it felt more a battle for survival than a race and I regretted my decision to wear shorts rather than the old pair of Ron Hills I had in the car. I had the option to stop and put on the waterproofs that the organisers had quite rightly insisted we carry but on a short race, it never seems like there is enough time. On the way down Blake Fell I was blown off my feet and did a Klinsmann, taking the legs of another runner from under her. If she ever reads this, and I don't know who she was, I really do apologise. It is a mercifully fast downhill run even in the strong wind and I was just grateful to reach the finish, totally drained. I have warmed through now but my neck still feels sunburned six hours later and one side of my face feels like a slapped buttock.

And away

Results: 73rd/120 (finishers)  47:43
Distance: 8km/5 miles  Climb: 503m/1650ft

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